Wednesday 9 May 2012

Kids Lesson about change – A leadership Lesson

In recent times there has been too much of emphasis laid on leadership and change, in this article I would like to point out some of the most relevant factors why people resist change. I personally feel leaders can be called as change agents, history is the proof that any leaders who lead have worked towards change.

Human life is a change process, from childhood to adulthood, and from adulthood to no-hood. Still we resist change; Some times we don’t understand that change is the only way forward….

I belong to a small village which is in North part of Karnataka; it’s a beautiful village (No one talks bad about his or her own birth place). Whenever I take my friends along, I address my village as the Singapore of Karnataka and the only heaven on earth, there is a good amount of reason why call it so. My village is the only village which has wind mills and at night when you the see the hill and the mountain, it’s the same feeling as you are walking on high end streets and you see some hippo gals and guys walking on foot path... Which makes my village look beautiful at night; it’s covered with hills all around, when you travel at first you might think like you are getting in to a cave of well known King. It seems like the main occupation of people in my village was growing leaf and that’s how it got the name as Yalodahalli.

As every village would have, my village did have a Neem Tree, which I feel was at least 100 years old. This tree was the place where the politics of all around were talked about, old, not so old, young  people sit under the tree and discuss about Barack Obama, Man Mohan Singh and you name it they have advices for all. When I was small I felt like all the hottest heroins are some where linked to these old intellects. Such a scene to watch when they talk about, film to politics and recently added a new subject to their forte called Terrorism.

Our village was the most amazing place on the earth, one bad day some one talked about cutting the Neem Tree; it was a shocker for these intellects! The reason was quiet simple, it has taken too much place of the Temple and it’s too old, anytime it can fall and can create huge loss. My house was exactly opposite of that tree, some times when there is heavy rain fall some of its feather use to fall. Luckily no one ever reported hurt or lost life because of these incidents. This tree was also considered as sacred; in Hindu religion we consider everything sacred apart from ourselves.
One of the leaders of my village explained the benefits and how it’s going to help look temple and village beautiful. There was a huge protest and it was as similar as some well known king was thrown out of his kingdom for no reason; these intellects did whatever possible to stop but the change has already begun. After a much talked about protest for one week, they gave up and said alright let’s cut the tree if that’s going to help the village.

I learnt my first lesson about change when I was a kid, when change takes place, every one including myself would resist. But the fact remains that once change has begun no one can stop it!
Below mentioned are some of the lessons I learnt from my childhood.

It’s New –
Anything new is uncomfortable; I myself good fare amount reasons why anything new can be so uncomfortable. Looking at the above mentioned story these old intellects thought where we will sit and discuss. Where will we spend our time and meet our friends?

Comfort Zone –
When change happens it pulls people out of comfort Zone and no one wants to get out of it. It’s a human psychology as mentioned in the book – “Who Moved my cheese”. First thing we do when change happens, why me? I don’t want to go any where from here? I m happy here? I would like to stay as I m? These are the usual question arise in any human being, it happen only because you are getting into unknown Zone from Known Zone. I m sure we do have solid reason why we resist change!

Vision –
There is a saying in English ‘If you don’t know where you are going, then any road can take you”. I feel when change happens we are in such a state that we can’t see any further than our personal interest. Hence it makes tough for us to understand the benefits change may bring about. 

Trust –
I feel for some odd reasons, we don’t understand the meaning of this word. If some body asks me to define trust, I would say I don’t know. There are many articles and books and many intellects have tried to explain however I feel trust can never be defined. I feel it’s a process and its build every day, every second. When change happens people who are going through change never believe the change agent hence they don’t accept or like change.

We can talk about many more reasons however there are three basic reason why we resist change!!!..

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