Friday, 9 August 2013

Yudhisthira " The unmatched leader in Mahabharatha"

It seems to be like we are in whole new world of leadership; I sense and feel that we are losing real essence of leadership. I came across a column in a Kannada newspaper about our very hard working and so called unbiased chief minister of Karnataka blaming and targeting another old horse. Flip throw any news channels and newspapers. “I’m sure you can see at least 20% of news is all about our leaders fighting amongst each other and blame game has just started and you can be sure that these so called fair news channels can do anything to make run for weeks” ( Somebody is trying to manipulate everything, would I sell my news for lakhs or crores.. LOL). We Indians are news freak, we feel happy when we know there is trouble, it helps us to get some consolation and feel better.. (Oh God what the hell is happening, thank god I’m better off). “Nothing sells more than a sensational news in India” (Sunny Leone CD’s sell more than Kalam’s books who cares), we are known for all wrong reasons around the world ( apart from some who real do something worthwhile).  A great poet once said Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying:  And this same flower that smiles to-day To-morrow will be dying”. Let this politicians and so called leader fight for what they think is right. But honestly not any sensible man would ever do that. “You don’t have to defend when you are true”..

Let’s move on… The main point I want to make today is that I recently read a book named Mahabharath, I still remember when my granny with her nice pace of storytelling and classical way of chewing tobacco (which I still do when I go back) and spit anywhere she wants without even thinking (she never had to defend cause she was genuine even when she spat) told once about the great King Yudhisthira. She was in tears when she explained the plight of Kunti and the mosters bhima. She told me that Arjun was the man who was a shrewd and intelligent, he was the man who kaurava’s were scared off. And those Sunday’s where we had to walk all the way to some one’s home to watch Mahabharata. It was an experience of darkness as “Adgiga” would have said in his book.

When I recently went through the book I could visualize everything as if there was a back ground movie which is still playing in your mind and my tears were rolling down the cheek. I came across some interesting facts about Yudhisthira’s leadership and his qualities a man with such solitude and immense humility could he be ever alive?? The question I ask myself and all those is that can we really use these skills now; we are in a different world. A world filled with so much of hatred and love (Corruption comes free here).  I still haven’t found the answer and I haven’t seen or have come across a man who uses. Still I want to share and see if we can use them and become better leaders.

Never blame: A leader must and should never blame, chanakya in his neeti shastra has said “ if a person wants to live happily and be successful then the only thing he should do is to not to blame others”. But today we have leaders who have misunderstood and you can see BJP and Congress fighting like cats and dogs. If these parties were to be true to so called building India cause then would they really need to worry about dog’s barking?
Honesty: It’s very tough to define honesty, it’s a very simple and yet complicated trait. There are many who tried defining but honesty is genuine and if you see any one selling a book called “10 ways to learn honesty”, please mail me or let me know his number so that we all can walk up his door and learn from him.

It’s simply put honest is life long process………………………….
Treat fairly: Yudhisthira treated all with equal importance, in the book there is a story where all of his brothers drink water (forgot the name of the river or lake it’s not important) and water was poisoned and the goddess appears and asks Yudhisthira “All your brothers are dead however I will grant you a wish, tell me who would you want out of four. Yudhisthira responds “I would like to have Nakula to be alive, impressed with his immense quality goddess makes all his brothers alive”. This particular story demonstrates that a leader must never differentiate between people.

Leading: When I say leading I mean the way lead by Yudhisthira’s, when Pandava’s were about fight they had all the support from the kings of different region. Soldiers were ready to die without any gain. We are not so fortunate to live in the times of great leaders, we have one who was in hospital and recently discharged. I would like sign off and wish him all the luck and pass some of his thoughts to all of us so that we can lead our people to a better world not a bitter world.










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