Friday, 26 April 2013

Leadership defined

 It’s been long I haven’t written any blogs, someone wisely said” Life is a roller coaster ride”. I would rather say a ride in a coast is real fun!! Today I would like to talk about the leadership skills
I have learned out of these days. While I was in an interview the lady asked me can you define leadership. I thought for while and said “There isn’t a perfect definition on this whole dam earth”. There can never be a perfect definition for leadership; leadership is not a mechanical process.
Then how can anyone define leadership, I have read books, articles, blogs. Every writer defines leadership depending upon his own understanding of leadership. The point I want to make is simple, there can never be a perfect definition for leadership neither a perfect leadership style. 
Then how can I be a leader? If there isn’t any perfect definition or leadership style?
I have been exposed to some of the most annoying and interesting facts about leadership, I see, hear, read, feel and practice. Even though practicing leadership is the real challenge of today’s world. Let us not forget that one particular style of leadership may not be as effective as other. When the circumstances change even the leadership style and the way you lead people shall change. Change is only thing which defines which is the right leadership style and who has the best leadership skills and who is a leader.
In recent times, I suppose we have not yet experienced or blessed with such a leader who could lead us to our journey or dream or paradise. We have politically leaders who are ethically immoral, who fight for position power, money and what not…list goes on and on… It’s such a shame that we haven’t found a great leader as yet. But there will be time, a leader who can understand people, a leader who can visualize the vision of people, a leader who understand that leadership and being a leader is not a process it’s a journey in itself. It’s a life lead for with purpose to bring upon the change, a change which might be so uncomfortable to his own people but the change which leads to the greatest good of human kind.
If ever thought or want to be a leader, then here are some tips for you.. Leaders are not made or born they evolve depending upon the situation. Being a leader at one time never guarantees that you will stay as leader. Leadership is a journey where a leader dedicates his/ her own wish and puts people wish before. A leader is the one who has a purpose, who serves as the model for all. He is in another has all that takes to become a leader, namely, discipline, honesty, authenticity, humility, a learner, charisma, and most important a man who can understand people.
You may ask me but why does our own Arvind Kejriwal is unable to bring about the change?
I can only say is he a leader?
So far I hope what you have read makes sense, always remember you may not be a leader but u are at certain point in time. Each one us is a leader in himself, some succeed leading people. Some fail leading people, well it’s up to you decide whether you want to lead people to a better world or bitter world.
Happy reading…

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