The agony did not stop here my
school teacher made a spelling mistake with my name instead of “Sanjay”
supposed to be right spelling “he wrote Sanjey” I still carry the same name
(proudly, as little different). All I want to say at this moment is thanks for
making that wonderful mistake, isn’t mistakes are good in life? Once observed
“If you have not made any mistakes then you have not tried anything different!
How true and my teachers did that with my name!!
Anyways let my English and name
remain my concern, I will try and write better.
While I was reading through some
of the old scriptures, which were once kept as the top secret by one sect of
people, a question arose in my little brain, in this blog of “mine” I would
like to through some light on that!!... Is
“God” a leader? (Holy and sacred scripture for all of us! ).
Bhagavad Gita has been an
historic epic and there are “N” numbers of literature from the day it was
written by some very talented and gifted writer, honestly It’s the one of the
best written novel of all time.. What a drama, love, lust, selfishness,
brotherhood, truth, cheating, oh man no words to explain.. It’s like a
wonderful Hollywood or a Bollywood movie!! And it would have won “Oscars as
well” many for the character and the heroism!
You must be thinking this guy is
not “God fearing man”, I am indeed not!! I feel “God” is the wonderful tool to
make great money and wealth, ask the beneficiaries they will tell you..!! When
I recently visited a holy place (mentioning name might hurt certain people) how
“Garland” sold to you to offer to the “Goddess” . Can be resold again to
someone as well (The same one)?
Let’s not get too personal!! There
are two sects of people one who believe in God and other who do not, for them concept
of God is just mere eye wash, I feel sad when I hear a “priest gets paid better
than me”. You must be thinking it’s a joke but that’s the reality of the world,
we have created a world where “everyone at least once says “GOD PLEASE HELP
ME”. I have said that a lot many times myself… I think “God” was created by a group of people
so that they can rule and control others!
A primitive man, who was not so
intellectually grown, might not have been able to comprehend the world, he
would have been shocked, when he saw volcanoes, hills, animals and beauty of
nature. He might have thought for a while, there has to be someone who created
all this. And there has to be a purpose why all this was created and that “He”
changed to “God”.
To be fairly frank and honest,
science has proved time and again that this world exists for itself! There isn't any purpose why the nature was created. it evolves and one day it dissolves, no one has the
power to control it!! If “God” ever has existed then I don’t think we would
ever have natural calamities, who would want to kill his own children? “
You must be thinking why is this
guy talking about “God”, It’s an irony to know that the so called “God doesn’t
even qualify to be a “leader”. Can you imagine “God” can never be a good
leader, how can a person without any leadership qualities can lead to us to
place where we want to go!.. How can anyone fulfill our dreams to achieve the
best out of us! Let’s look at some of the qualities which we cannot find in so
called “God”.
Treating fairly : It is one of the most sought qualities of a
leader ever!, We have always treated “Krishna” as god and in “Bhagavad Gita” he
was so partial, he never treated Kaurava’s fairly, if “God” is same for all
then why did he not treat them ! How would you feel if your father betrays you?
We can hardly imagine think about
what would Kaurava’s felt when they realized they are fighting against the “God,
the almighty”. I am not saying you
should do all they did, but how can a leader treat his sons differently! No, he
can never be a leader if he does that!
Leading: Did “Krishna” (so called “God”) lead everyone towards
better world? It’s stupid to think that
even “Kaurava’s had a place in heaven (I do not know where it is). I think it’s
time for me to recall a wonderful writing from Samuel N Garfunkel, “Laying low, seeking out the poorer
quarters, where the regged people go! Looking for the places only they know!
How many of us would “sleep empty
stomach till we die” realizing that we will eat “the best cusine served with
wine and by the most beautiful “Ramba, Urvashi and Sexy Menaka” after we are
dead,” in “heaven”.
How can you lead people when you divide them because some follow you
and some do not! Do the actions of “Kaurava’s who were also sons of “God” were
so bad that they ought to be killed brutally by their own brothers!
Honesty: I am sure if you are born in India; you would have watched
or read “Mahabharata” the so called Indian Epic at least once. I can bet my ***
(sorry for the language), “Krishna” the so called “God” was never honest with
“Kaurava’s”, he followed the same old saying “End justifies the means”. He
crookedly lead “Kaurava’s to do wrong deeds, and created situation as he
wanted. If He (God) were to be believed as the father of all how can he be so
Should a leader follow the same “End
justifies the means” attitude while dealing with followers? Who trust him to
take the way they are and lead them with utmost “honesty and authenticity”.
I am not supporting anyone here;
I am making my point why “God” can never be considered as a leader.
“It’s always easy to fool the one who has
always been fooled”… We have been terribly used by some politicians and so
called “saints” and everyone around us! It’s time to get up and say that we
really need to improve ourselves and we do not require fools to fool us. Recent
survey says that “All these religious Maths have more money than the black
money”. Who are we following, think over it!
Lastly I would cautiously warn
the reader of this blog that I am no person to ask you to change your opinion
on “God” . Because “Who wouldn’t want a God who can love, save, be kind to all,
who can treat everyone equal and above all honest with all. This is an irony
that the “God” doesn’t exits!
Albert Einstein once beautifully
observed “I cannot conceive of personal god who would directly influence the
actions of individuals or would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his
own creations”. I suppose writing about “God” and his qualities cannot be
completed in one blog, but I will try and do all that I can to help you to be a
better leader may not be a “ God” ( If you believe)”.
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