my last blog about Why Businesses Fail, I listed down 3 most
important things why almost all business fail.. I categorically said
“The leader, The people and change”...
I would like to put some more light on that topic to help the readers
of my blog . I do not know If I would be able to be a little more
emphathitic towards my friend before I write.. His Holyness Dalai
Lama says “ Compassionate towards all is the real essence of life.
He says, a happy person can create a happy society, a happy
society can create a nation, a happy nation can create a happy
continent and a happy continent can create a Happppppy world “.. It
can also mean an unhappy person can create an whole lot UNHAPPY
I was thinking about the above mentioned thoughts I was literally
surprised, we are all in search of some thing or other... but all we
want is being happy, anything or everything you are behind ends at
this pretty word called Happiness”..
I have a friend of mine who started a new venture, even I din't like
that idea of he doing business and growing... He invited all of us
for the inaguaration ceremony, as always I was late by an hour almost
everyone were leaving and wishing him all the success. I was little
jealous that he opened his own company, while he wasn't a great
students niether I was, so when some body like you does some thing
good then I m sure its a humane right be unhappy as I was..
was late and rushed in he was shocked to me see early, he said “
why are you so early if you had come little late you would have been
the first real customer to me”. .. and giggled... and gave a
sarcastic smile..... which I thought I was master at...!!!!
just stood there and he went ahead with the conversation, he asked me
“ Sanjey I read your last Blog about why Businesses fail?? can you
tell me little more about it...
my friend In my last blog I have clearly stated that business is
all about you!! because you are the leader and the way you lead is
more important than the money you have spent.. however Treat people
with utmost respect and Humility and be open for change.. As I
said in the last article Change is Constant!!! He was looking at me
as if he has never seen a person talking!!!!
snapped at him and said “ Today I will tell you some thing more
because you have a new business at your disposal. He was really
curious & looking at me as if I m going to tell him the secret of
success, which I knew, is impossible and I continued.. Remember there
are hell lot of businesses close down beceause they don't analyse
and the see the future.
me what is the main purpose of your business? I stopped....
“uh ... hmmmmm.. Well I was bugged working under some one and I felt I can do a much better Job If I were to run the show”.. You see and I was also thinking that I should earn more money, and I felt that this is the way forward”.. I have the complete knowledge about the domain and industry, I m quiet confident that I will succeed”...
I was very attentive, I never wanted to miss even a single word .... Great “ you are really good at what you think and what you have done... But let me tell you “ Never open a business just to make money, tell me one company which started making money and profit from day one “... Well even if you have a barber shop then it would take time to make profit...most of the businesses close down because when they open it...... all they want is money”..
could see my friends face, now it was all like some one said his
great IDEA as the dust in the air..... He was literally staring at me
friend “ firstly I would like to tell you do never think of money,
think of serving people, money will automatically follow you...
He just nodded his head and said then............
Remember each customer you meet must feel that he is the most
important person you have ever met. Treat your customer not as
king but as a HUMAN, A HUMAN has emotions he feels every time
you cheat him and one day he will never come back.
Most importantly my friend “ Be honest in your dealings, do never charge more or less.... If needed take less and give more.... One day what you gave will come back to you... dont worry!!!! Never promise some thing which you cannot do... Businesses fail because they cant serve honestly.... The more customers you have the better the business... treat your employees as you treat your customers.
happy employee can make Billion happy customer........... Always
remember what Chanakya said
in his Niti Shastra :
O wise man! Give
your wealth only to the worthy and never to others. The water of the
sea received by the clouds is always sweet. The rain water enlivens
all living beings of the earth both movable (insects, animals,
humans, etc.) and immovable (plants, trees, etc.), and then returns
to the ocean it value multiplied a million fold.
all in this blog, i will write more in my next one.. Do leave your
comments.. Thanks for reading... Cheers
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