Thursday, 4 October 2012

learn from AN ASS and Dog – Leadership Lessons

Well been a long time I have written some thing, some things are so weird and nice..... I was lost in wood so far, trying to find the path out it took lot of courage and intellect. I m back again, in this blog I would like talk about two unique animals which can teach a lesson or two.. For a matter of fact I have never been interested in these two animals, one barks and other lurks... Now being a leader is all about leading from the front, the question is where is ther front and which is the front?
Interesting enough all of us get confused which and where is the front, lets not forget that the front is always at the back. A leader leads from the front but when he succeeds he comes back and pats all who supported him in the journey of excellence....

Lets talk about these two animals, they are as special as any animal.. now to talk about first animal Donkey there are two things a leader can learn...

Work hard – An Indian proverb goes some thing like this “To carry his load without resting, not to be bothered by heat or cold and always be content: these three things we can learn from a donkey”. A donkey doesnt know whether its a day or night, it just works because it cannot differentiate and doesnt have humanly brain to think like us. Now any leader who works hard will succeed, but the leaders of today have forgotten this simple mantra of working hard. They think “ work never killed anybody but why take a chance”....
The next quality I want to talk about is being Content, I dare to say that people around including myself are not content. Every day I take a bus ride at evening after completing my work, I see sad faces all around me. I feelsad for all of us, cause how can we be so sad? Even though people have good Job they earn lot of money, still we are sad... I suppose I soon will write a book called Why am I SAD” .. Being content is a tough thing to do, If you see blog are an article about ten things to be happy, then just say buzz off.. Its the most complex thing however some of us, I mean humans have achieved being content with what they have. A leader who is not content is the real menace to the society to the organisation as a whole. We dont need look at the examples, just think about any one you have the right one for you.. Our political leaders to bureacrats and many ...... I m not Joking....

Hopefully we have learned some good things from an “ASS”...................

Now lets look at some of the great qualities which you can learn from a DOG... well what can I say, why do gals like dog not men? I dont know the answer if any of you do, please let me know......
Dog has been the most common animal in todays world, recently I was shocked to see a dog sitting in a BMW, I wish I could been as lucky as that dog.. Some houses in Bangalore have more dogs than family members.... I m being honest and bold enough, for all those dog lovers I wish them all the luck....

Dogs are dangerous some times, I have been in some odd situations.. One of the quality which most people know and like about Dog is its LOYALTY.. Dogs for known for years because of their loyalty, they wont change owners like us.... In leadership there are always ups and downs however taking risk and standing tall when there are tough times demostrates real leadership... Now I Dont want to define Loyalty its an alien term for us, you can find a loyal dog but not loyal man.

There are many other qualities a dog possesses however as we are talking about leadership, the other quality I want to talk about is “Never pretend to be some thing which you are not”.. Well well welllllll... We do it every second dont we? I recently saw my collegue pretending as if he is busy and has no time left. Being a leader is all about telling and knowing what you are, people like authentic leaders not the one who hide things from followers. The history is the proof for all of us that the more honest and authentic you are the more people will follow. Like in the case of Anna Hazare people stopped supporting because they thought that there could be a hidden agenda behind all this LOKPAL BILL.. I dont know that, well may Anna might know that ... He might not as well. A DOG is Always A DOG, it knows well and it doesnt pretend to be LION at any moment but we do it some---- times....

Now that we have learned some qualities from these two strange animals, try to follow that... you can never become a buddha once you read all literature about buddhism, forget about being buddha try to be a human first... I would like to end this blog with a nice thought from Reinhold Niebuhr “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”....

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