Monday, 24 October 2016

Kaveri - Leadership Lessons from a River

In recent past, there has no river which has been controversial than the famous river of south India named as Kaveri. The River is originated at Talakaveri, Kodagu district in Karnataka.. The river was has been so famous that one of the Kannada movies was made on the same story line as how Tamilians and Kannadigas fight for the very water.

The river supplies water to almost 4 to 5 districts for all very good reasons in Karnataka. The silicon valley of Asia depends on the same water, one must also understand that as the city has grown so homongously that it drained out all the water and poor farmers are left with no options. Time and again stage protest against state government. Which also seems always sleeps around the corner.

The recent times development has shown people how ineffective the government of Karnataka been for years.. This could happen in any organization, one issue like Kaveri can either make or break the organization.

Today let’s take leaf out of what we can learn as leaders from this fiasco??

Leader should anticipate unfortunate situation:

It said in olden days that a battle is won in the board room not on the war zone. The Government of Karnataka may have not have expected such a short rainfall this season, having said that our Chief Minister was never prepared for such a worst situation to come..  And just because he never anticipated the unfortunate situation, he has lost the belief in his leadership.  Now congress government is in such a fix, they hardly can expect them to win again in years to come.

This could happen in any organization, a leader must always prepare for the worst. One unfortunate situation you tend you to lose out everything, your followers will surely start questioning your own ability to lead. What could you do if you are such a fix.. Here are some of the tips.

  • Be proactive
  • Anticipate unfortunate situations
  • Create a team of people who works to handle this kind of situations more effectively and efficiently
  • And most important measure and monitor the success!!

Never underestimate your competition:

The CM of Tamilnadu has been the most effective in terms of ensuring everything goes right when it comes to handling Kaveri Issue. Time and again she proved that why she is considered as “God”, she fought and ensured nothing goes as per Karnataka Government.

I think if I may recall how Nokia lost the charm and the ground against Samsung, I can think of the mistakes they made. They never anticipated a kick ass product to take over and kill the market them.
That’s all, a leader is a visionary who sees both the unfortunate situation and assess the competition so to ensure the people who follow him never gets affected. I can only sum up this blog with a wonderful statement “To lead by example is true treasure, the secret of leadership, in one simple measure”…

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